Crystal reports syntax cheat sheet
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32 Useful Crystal Reports Formulas
To learn the techniques used in these formulas you can get:
1. The number of "business days" between any two dates
2. Converting a numeric date to a true date
3. Converting a character date to a true date
4. Prompt to change the sort/group, with fields of mixed data types
5. Adding a month or months to a date
6. Calculating an accurate age Integer from a date of birth
7. Printing parameter selections for multiple or range values
9. Converting total seconds to a formatted "elapsed time" string
10. Conditional total using an If-Then-Else formula
11. Conditional total using a running total
12. Manual cross-tabs (cross-tabs that allow formulas)
13. The number of business hours between two datetime values
14. Distinct count of an If-Then-Else formula
15. Convert numbers to text, showing only non-zero decimal places
16. Append a list of detail strings into one line
18. How to print "continued on next page"
20. Removing the path from the "File Path and Name" field
21. Find the Monday of a specific week (using ISO standard week no.)
22. Rounding to the nearest nickel, or other odd increment
23. Finding the first Friday of the month
24. Finding the number of Fridays in a date range
25. How to find Good Friday (or Easter) for any year
26. How to generate a list of common holidays for any year
27. Today's date in contract format
28. Grouping by a non-calendar week
29. Converting a decimal to fraction
30. Calculating periods in 5-4-4
31. Calculating fiscal YTD
32. Calculating fiscal and calendar quarters
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