Achievement Network

It's not just about what is taught or how it's taught. It's about who. All children should have access to an empowering education and the opportunities it provides. Learn how ANet can help you align your educational priorities to student results.

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What makes ANet different?

ANet offers more than products and services. We're an expert partner to educational leaders.

Assessments for learning

We know you have concerns about assessments. We do, too. That’s why we design ours to make teaching easier. We make assessments for learning, not of learning.

See our assessments

Building instructional coherence

We align best practices with your practices. We work alongside you to build alignment through your whole instructional core - assessments, curriculum, and professional learning.

Learn how we do this

A true partner

The most important thing we build with you is relationships. Our services and products work as well as they do because they’re critically supported by the human touch: close listening, empathy, and accessibility.

The ANet Difference

ANet Gets Results!

Through multi-year studies, independent reviews, surveys, and focus groups, it's clear - ANet gets results for you and your students!

additional learning

ANet partners with the right basic conditions in place achieve 6 months of additional learning over 2 years.

Outperforming their peers

ANet students outperformed their peer group in both ELA (57.7%) and math (54.4%) on the 21-22 state summative assessments.

School and system leaders agree or strongly agree

Working with their ANet coach has supported them to take actions that positively impact student learning.

See Achievement Network in Action!

ANet provides help to educational leaders like you across the country. In many states, we're an approved vendor or partner with the state department of education. Check out how ANet supports schools, districts, and systems across the country.

High-Quality Instructional Materials Implementation

ANet supports high-quality instructional material adoption and implementation! Learn how our partnership with the Kentucky Department of Education helps districts create coherence in ELA, math and now science.

Explore the Case Study!

Supporting the Whole Child

At the core of Compass’ model is integrating SEL work into every aspect of the school day. Explore how our coaching work impacted Compass Academy.

Explore the Case Study!

Professional Learning that drives your priorities

In this time of continuing personnel shortages and dropping ELA and math scores, professional learning can be key to improving instruction and student learning - but you need to know that your dollars will lead to results. Explore how we helped Hartford Public Schools drive results with professional learning.

Read Their Story!

ANet Assessments & Coaching Help Educators

Moving Everest Charter School in Chicago, IL shares how they use cohesive and intentional data analysis with the help of their ANet coach. Watch the video to learn more.

Hear their story!

Aligning District Principals

“It’s not just that they’ve adopted a highly rated curriculum. It’s that they’ve taught the teachers how to use it.” Explore the results from our work in East Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Prioritizing Strong Instruction

Strong instruction is a top priority and the district took a system-wide approach to equip teachers and students with the right materials and support for grade-level learning.

Explore the Case Study!

Approved Vendor in Texas!

Achievement Network (ANet) is an approved provider for Strong Foundations Math and Literacy Framework Grant, Vetted Improvement Program (VIP) Essential Skills 1.1, 1.2, 4.1, 5.1 and 5.3, and Resilient Schools Support Program (RSSP).

See our work in Texas!

Leader Support Improves Student Outcomes

In a three-year period, instruction at Ardmore Elementary in Bellevue, WA has completely transformed and students are making incredible academic progress year over year.

Read Their Story!

High-Quality Instructional Materials Implementation

ANet supports high-quality instructional material adoption and implementation! Learn how our partnership with the Kentucky Department of Education helps districts create coherence in ELA, math and now science. Explore the Case Study!

Supporting the Whole Child

At the core of Compass’ model is integrating SEL work into every aspect of the school day. Explore how our coaching work impacted Compass Academy. Explore the Case Study!


Professional Learning that drives your priorities

In this time of continuing personnel shortages and dropping ELA and math scores, professional learning can be key to improving instruction and student learning - but you need to know that your dollars will lead to results. Explore how we helped Hartford Public Schools drive results with professional learning. Read Their Story!

ANet Assessments & Coaching Help Educators

Moving Everest Charter School in Chicago, IL shares how they use cohesive and intentional data analysis with the help of their ANet coach. Watch the video to learn more. Hear their story!

Aligning District Principals

“It’s not just that they’ve adopted a highly rated curriculum. It’s that they’ve taught the teachers how to use it.” Explore the results from our work in East Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Read More!

New Mexico

Prioritizing Strong Instruction

Strong instruction is a top priority and the district took a system-wide approach to equip teachers and students with the right materials and support for grade-level learning. Explore the Case Study!

Approved Vendor in Texas!

Achievement Network (ANet) is an approved provider for Strong Foundations Math and Literacy Framework Grant, Vetted Improvement Program (VIP) Essential Skills 1.1, 1.2, 4.1, 5.1 and 5.3, and Resilient Schools Support Program (RSSP). See our work in Texas!


Leader Support Improves Student Outcomes

In a three-year period, instruction at Ardmore Elementary in Bellevue, WA has completely transformed and students are making incredible academic progress year over year. Read Their Story!

ANet expertise leads to change

I honestly believe without ANet’s partnership and guidance to district-level decision making around the implementation of the curriculum that we would not have seen the gains that we actually experienced in the Innovation Network. ANet really brought that expertise, not only to the school level leadership but also to the district level leadership.

Dr. Quentina Timoll

Fmr Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction
East Baton Rouge Parish School System, LA