Using Hyphens

rules for using hyphens

(5) To help with the reading of numbers and fractions.

(6) To show that list items share a common second element.

Use of Hyphens Explained in Detail

A hyphen is a punctuation mark used as a joiner. A hyphen is typically used to join the separate parts of a compound word to make it clear that it's one entity. (A compound word is a word made up of more than one word.)

(1) Using Hyphens in Compound Adjectives

hyphens in compound adjectives

A hyphen joins the words in a compound adjective. (A compound adjective is a single adjective made up of more than one word.)

Read more about compound adjectives.
Read more about hyphens in compound adjectives.
Read about alternatives to hyphens in compound adjectives.

(2) Using Hyphens in Compound Nouns

hyphens in compound nouns

A hyphen can be used to join the words in a compound noun. (A compound noun is a single noun made up of more than one word. Some compound nouns are hyphenated.)

Lots of compound nouns are unhyphenated (i.e., one word), and some are two words. Read more about compound nouns.
Read more about hyphens in compound nouns
Read more about forming the plurals of compound nouns.

(3) Using Hyphens in Prefixes

hyphens in prefixes

A hyphen can be used to join a prefix to a word.

Most prefixed words are unhyphenated. Read more prefixes.
Read more about hyphens in prefixes.

(4) Using Hyphens in Compound Verbs

A hyphen can be used to join the words in a compound verb, especially verbs formed from two nouns.

Compound verbs are far less common than compound adjectives and compound nouns. They are often invented by the writer to add a bit of flair. Not all verbs comprising two words are hyphenated. Do not use a hyphen with a phrasal verb . (A phrasal verb comprises a main verb and another word, e.g., to break out, to drop off.) Read more about compound verbs.

(5) Using Hyphens in Fractions and Numbers Written in Full

Hyphens are used in fractions written out in full.

When numbers are written out in full, hyphens are used in all numbers between 21 and 99 (less those divisible by 10). You might be wondering why there's no "and" before "thirty-four" and "sixty-seven." It is a common practice to omit the word "and" (even though you might say it) because for many (especially Americans), "and" denotes a decimal point. In other words, some take "two hundred and twenty-one" as 200.21 not 221. (Interestingly, if you follow this practice and write out all the numbers, you'll reach 1000 before using the letter "a".) Read more about writing numbers in full.

(6) Using Hyphens with List Items Sharing a Common Second Element

A hyphen can be used before a common second element in all but the last word in the list.

These three examples show this technique with compound adjectives that would ordinarily contain hyphens if written out in full. However, this technique can be used with compound words that wouldn't ordinarily contain hyphens.

Why Hyphens Are Important

  1. It makes your text easier to read.
  2. It removes the possibility for ambiguity.
  3. It showcases your writing skills.

(Point 1) Use a hyphen if the unhyphenated version of a compound adjective would be ambiguous.

British readers will expect you to use hyphens with compound adjectives, but, in the US, readers are more lenient. In fact, it is common to see compound adjectives without hyphens in both regions, especially with well-established terms that are unlikely to make a reader stall (e.g., "ice cream stall," "twentieth century building"). So, it is not a serious error to omit a hyphen from a compound adjective. That said though, when the unhyphenated version of a compound adjective is ambiguous, you must use a hyphen to link its words.

Here is another example: Here is another example:

(Point 2) Don't use hyphens with adverbs that end "-ly."

When using an adverb to modify an adjective (e.g., "perfectly formed ring"), some writers feel the need to use a hyphen (e.g., "perfectly-formed ring"). With adverbs ending "-ly" (and there are lots) and the word "very," that's a mistake.

This applies only to adverbs ending "-ly." It does not apply to adjectives ending "-ly." Also, use a hyphen for adverbs that could feasibly be adjectives (e.g., "well," "fast," "best"). This issue commonly crops up with the adverb "well," which is also an adjective meaning healthy. This situation occurs most commonly with "well" (e.g., "a well-fatted calf"), but it can occur with "fast" and "best" too (e.g., "fast-changing wind," "best-known actor").

A Safe Rule

This rule will see you right:

Use a hyphen with "well" when it's modifying an adjective. The likelihood of needing the adjective "well" before another adjective is low.

(If you're not prepared to gamble on this low likelihood, substitute "well" with "healthy," and if your sentence makes no sense, put "well" back in and use a hyphen.)

(Point 3) When using an expression like "three-and-a-half," don't join your adjective to your noun with a hyphen.

When used as compound adjectives, expressions like "three-and-a-half" and "two-and-a-quarter" are often hyphenated to make it clear they're one entity. If you decide to use hyphens in such a term, don't join your adjective to your noun with a hyphen.

Be mindful, however, that your compound adjective might not end when the expression like "four-and-a-quarter" ends. Be particularly careful to group all the parts of your compound adjective when writing ages.

(Point 4) Use your spellchecker smartly to spell compound nouns correctly.

Some compound nouns are one word (e.g., "snowman," "aircraft"), some are two words (e.g., "fish tank," "cell phone"), some compound nouns are hyphenated (e.g., "know-how," "runner-up"), and some have more than one acceptable spelling (e.g., "paper clip," "paper-clip," and "paperclip").

(Point 5) Use your spellchecker and your instinct to determine whether to use a hyphen with a prefix.

Key Points

Video Lesson

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