FACT CHECK: Planned Parenthood Is Essential Care For Rural Women

Tonight, during CNN’s health care town hall, a Planned Parenthood patient from Speaker Paul Ryan’s district asked Senators Graham and Cassidy about how their bill blocks patients like her from going to Planned Parenthood. Her full question is below:

“Senator Cassidy, when I was in my mid 20s Planned Parenthood discovered that I had large cysts and benign tumors in and on my ovaries. I'm grateful for Planned Parenthood because without their care it's quite probable that my husband and I would not have been able to become parents. Why would you advocate for a bill that would block women like me from the essential care that helped me to become a mother, provides affordable cancer screenings for thousands and thousands of people and especially for those who live in the many parts of this country that are not served by community health centers?"

Senator Cassidy responded to her by saying that Planned Parenthood health centers are mainly in urban areas and he wants to help rural women -- except that’s simply not true.

Planned Parenthood is essential health care for women in rural America: