Learn to Write HKU Personal Statement Through Examples and Pro Tips

Want to find out the simple but unspoken ways by which you can create an everlasting impression on your HKU personal statement? The reason why many personal statements fail to impress selectors is that they miss out on some important areas. Being aware of those areas will help you approach it differently. In this blog, we are discussing them in detail.

We have also included in it:

What is the University of Hong Kong Personal Statement? Why Should You Have the Best One?

University of Hong Kong personal statement is a document that consists of approximately 1000 words demonstrating your motivations for choosing HKU (Hong Kong University) and the particular higher education program. The document is considered to be a crucial one for your admission because:

Answers to These 7 Questions in Personal Statement Will Determine Your Admission to HKU

How to Format the University of Hong Kong Personal Statement?

The way you format your HKU personal statement directly influences its acceptance rate. Stick to the following HKU personal statement word limit and other formatting factors.

Word count:

Character limit:

No of pages:


Font size:


Font style:

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How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Hong Kong University In 6 Steps?

Now, let’s get started with writing the city university of Hong Kong personal statement. Follow these step-by-step instructions.

Read about Hong Kong and HKU:

As you are specifically required to talk about the factors that draw you to HKU and Hong Kong, read about them to develop a strong perspective to show your motivation.

Understand the requirements:

Like other universities, HKU has its own admission criteria and personal statement requirements. Refer to the official HKU website and understand the requirements. Also, review a few HKU personal statement examples.

Make your outline:

It is important to make an outline incorporating every point in your checklist first. Verify that your outline doesn’t overlap any point which is obvious elsewhere. For instance, your GPA score.

Build your points:

Once your outline is ready, develop each point. If you get stuck at the introduction, leave it and carry on with the rest of the body. Come to the introduction at last and write it without causing it to contradict the body.

Modify your sentences:

After you have finished, read the personal statement wholly and then word by word. If any word or sentence looks incoherent, modify them appropriately. Also, replace complicated words with simple ones.

Get it reviewed:

Finally, get your personal statement reviewed by an expert, a colleague or a professor who can guide you. They could read it from a different angle and spot areas where your write-up lacks engagement, readability and accuracy.

HKU Personal Statement Examples

The structure of the oral region has always fascinated me, considering its overall impact on facial construction. Considering that the human face enjoys utmost exposure, as compared to other parts of the body, my choice to become a dentist was a natural outcome of my instinct. I was 15 when I read ‘The Smile Stealers’. It was then that the history of dentistry appealed to my intellect. Nurturing this innocent interest with care, here I stand today, ready to embrace a dynamic career in dentistry. A person’s appearance and image largely rest on the way he/she talks, smiles and presents incidents. Given that a significant section of people across the globe experience difficulties due to injury in their oral region, a logical choice for me would be to put on the mask of a dentist.

In an effort to gain a better insight into the area of my interest, I capitalized on my last summer internship. Integrating myself into several dentistry settings, I gained first-hand knowledge for four weeks. Thoroughly enjoying the fresh knowledge-acquisition process, I worked on orthodontics and implants. Most importantly, I realized that dentists need to go beyond their core skills while establishing a compassionate association with their patients. Besides, I talked to experienced dentists to learn how frustrating and stressful certain patients and cases can be. All these experiences strengthened my desire to be a part of the dentistry world and take care of patients who are suffering.

Besides, I enhanced my foundational knowledge in dentistry, undertaking a job at a local clinic in Mumbai, India. This was an invaluable learning experience for me. During this phase, I came to realize the value that soft and hard skills in dentistry hold for the professionals. In particular, I carried out dental drills, which helped me gain manual dexterity. Apart from this, I was fascinated with the processes like laser frenectomy and other procedures that dentists carried out on the gums. This mechanism enabled the patient to gain normal movement of the lower lip, which previously got strained from the gum. This was the first time I saw how a CO2 laser works practically. I realized the depth of dentistry, as the professional used a specific dye and killed the bacteria around the oral region. Most importantly, the patient enjoyed a joyous experience, and I look forward to bestowing such gratifying feelings to my patients in the coming years.

I also noticed how the dentists developed a rapport with the patients at the outset, so that they felt at ease. It was interesting for me to study the different social elements in the life of each patient. However, the end goal of the dentists was to establish the rapport. Eventually, I realized that communication and interpersonal skills hold the secret for success for reputed dentists.

Apart from being consistent in my academics, I have demonstrated my competence in trekking, playing saxophone and flute. In the summer of 2016, I embarked on an expedition to Nepal, climbing the highest peak in the world. During this expedition, I combated both mental and physical challenges. My energetic character keeps me active. In several programs and assemblies, I have played the flute and the saxophone. I also love interacting with people, as it enhances my confidence and communication skills. Rather than playing solo, I prefer playing these instruments in small orchestras. This is where every musician works together, complementing each other’s efforts. The cohesive efforts result in a mellifluous symphony, the secret of which lies in teamwork.

I have been a fervent learner all these years and would like to be a part of the sophisticated academic environment at your institute. Aligning my passion and professional goals, I hereby commit myself to the dentistry profession. A berth in your revered institution would propel me closer to my professional goals. I look forward to integrating myself into the progressive student community at your university.

Click the below button to download your copy of HKU personal statement sample PDF. Compare your own writing with the sample and find out where the latter needs more attention.

Common Mistakes Students Make in Their HKU Personal Statement

HKU has a lower acceptance rate. The most cited reason is mistakes in the personal statement. The following are some of the mistakes that students often make.

Try to avoid them in your writing.

Lack of engagement:

The write-up contains only statements.

Not self-reflective:

The document looks too detached from the writer.

Not tailor-made to HKU:

The personal statement looks too generic.

Not genuine:

The writer has included fabricated info to impress the committee.


The document is a copy of another Hong Kong university personal statement sample.

How Do Professionals Write Personal Statements for HKU? The Secret Tips

Check out these secret tips from experts and use them diligently as you write your document.

Strictly adhere to the requirements:

First and foremost, write your personal statement exactly as you are expected to write it. Be it adhering to the format or meeting the requirements, do not fail.

Answer the personal statement prompts:

Answering the question prompts we shared earlier in this blog is necessary to ensure the completeness of your document.

Catchy introduction:

Selectors will not read your personal statement word by word. They will mostly scan it. By making your introduction attractive, you can win their attention quickly.

Do revision:

Sometimes, you may have to rewrite an entire paragraph or a point. Only through multiple revisions, you can know which one needs a bit of revamping.

Submit on time:

Don’t wait for the deadline to submit your personal statement. Submit it at least a week or two earlier. This will enable you to enjoy the benefit of early bird applications.

Use standard English:

The quality of the language used in your personal statement HKU influences what and how selectors understand your story. So, it is inevitable to use standard English without errors.

Why Study in Hong Kong?

A lot of students, not only from Asia but also from Europe, America, Africa and the Pacific, flock to Hong Kong for higher education. Why do they prefer to study in Hong Kong?

Here are some reasons.

Fastest-growing metropolis:

Hong Kong is one of the fastest-growing metropolises in the world. Needless to say, the sheer number of opportunities it offers is on the rise.

The major hub of higher education:

Hong Kong is a major hub for higher education in Asia. Universities like HKU offer a myriad of higher study programs for students from all academic and professional backgrounds.

Diverse culture:

Hong Kong is a hugely multicultural city with people from all ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds. It is a place where everyone can feel at home.

Safe for everyone:

Hong Kong has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Any incident of crime is taken seriously by authorities. The safety of the inhabitants is a priority concern for the government.

Well connected:

Hong Kong is well connected with other cities in the region as well as international capitals through direct flight services.

How to Apply for HKU?

Importance dates to remember

Application to HKUDate
Fall (full year)1 April
Spring2 September
Application DeadlineDate
Fall (full year)1 May
Spring28 September
Accommodation Application DeadlineDate
Fall (full year):29 May
Spring30 October
Visa Application DeadlineDate
Fall (full year)12 June
Spring31 October

Please note that this is a tentative chart of dates. Dates are subject to changes each year based on public holidays and weekends.

Top Higher Study Programs That HKU is Known For

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